Description of The Ultimate Duel

Ul7up 7 Down dometimate Duel is a social game, that pits you in the ultimate duel against your friends. You can play as many people as you want.

The point of the game is to force your opponent to shake their phone, while at the same time not moving your own phone too fast.

If the phone is shaken, you hear a buzzer, and the screen turns red. You are then out of the match until the next round.

Other than that it's up to you to make the rules! Maybe people have to stand on one leg while playing, maybe the loser has to submit to some form of punishment. Or maybe the last man standing gets a prize! Have fun with it, and be careful not to drop your phones!

We take no responsibility for any damage that comes to any equipment while playing this game.

Icon made by Freepik ( ) from Flaticon ( )
Licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 ( )

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