Little Stories. Read bedtime story books for kids

Little Stories. Read bedtime story books for kids - Tales, books at night for childrenHow to impart to the child love to fairy tales? Easily! It is necessary just to make him the main character. Small stories are the only application in the world which will tu yours the child into the main thing. For this purpose it is required to enter in settings a name and a sex of the child, and all the rest will create for you the application.

How to impart to the child of love to fairy tales? Easily! It is necessary just to make him the main character. Small stories are the only application in the world that will tu yours the child into the main thing. For this purpose, it is required to enter in settings a name and a sex of the child.

In the Little Stories, there are already 10 fairy tales and the library is constantly replenished. It should be noted that at the contest "Golden Annex 2016" Little stories won in the nomination "The best application for children."

The authors recommend reading fairy tales before going to bed for children of three years.

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